California Eviction Notice Forms

California 3 Day Notice to Quit_1 on

A California eviction notice form is a legal demand for a tenant to comply with the terms of the rental agreement or else move out of the premises. California landlords may deliver an eviction notice because of unpaid rent, lease violations, or illegal activity on the rental property.

Types of California Eviction Notice Forms

Notice Form Grounds Curable?
3 Day Notice To Quit Unpaid Rent Yes
3 Day Notice To Perform Covenants or Vacate Lease Violation Yes
3 Day Notice To Vacate Illegal Activity No
30 Day Notice To Vacate Tenancy of Less than 1 Year No
60 Day Notice To Vacate Tenancy of 1 Year or More No
Lease Termination No Fault Just Cause No Fault Just Cause No

California 3 Day Notice To Quit

A California 3 Day Notice To Quit evicts a tenant for nonpayment of rent. In California, a landlord can file this notice the day after rent is due, with no grace period for the tenant. The tenant must pay all past due rent or else move out within three (3) judicial days (not counting weekends or court holidays).

Many California properties may be federally entitled to a minimum 30 days of advance notice before a landlord can file eviction for nonpayment of rent or other fees. This minimum applies to any residential property covered by the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, even after the act’s other protections have expired. [6]

Los Angeles COVID-19 Resolution Protections

Los Angeles landlords must serve a 30 Day Notice To Quit for residential tenants and mobile home space renters who have past due rent from July 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023 due to COVID-19 financial hardship. This requires that the tenant receive the notice at least thirty (30) calendar days before the date of termination. Tenants at or below 80% of average median income for the county qualify for this notice. [1]

Los Angeles residential tenants and mobile home space renters may respond by providing the landlord with a 7 Day Notice of Inability To Pay Rent Due To Covid-19 Financial Hardship, at least seven (7) calendar days before the date of termination in the landlord’s 30 Day Notice To Quit. Tenants qualify for this response when they have lost at least 10% of their monthly income or had monthly expenses increase by 7.5% between July 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023. [1]

The templates for these notices are on the California 3 Day Notice To Quit page, in PDF and Word format.

California 3 Day Notice To Perform Covenants or Vacate

A California 3 Day Notice To Perform Covenants or Vacate demands correction of a lease violation that is “curable,” i.e., the tenant may get a chance to fix the situation rather than be evicted. A curable lease violation might include failure to maintain health and safety on the rental property, interfering with the quiet enjoyment of neighbors, or refusal to allow lawful entry by the landlord.

The tenant must take appropriate corrective action or else move out within three (3) judicial days (not counting weekends or court holidays) of receiving notice.

Los Angeles COVID-19 Resolution Protections

Los Angeles landlords must serve a 30 Day Notice To Perform Covenants or Vacate if residential tenants or mobile home space renters allowed unauthorized occupants or pets on the premises for certain reasons between certain dates.

The notice applies when unauthorized occupants, or pets not on the lease, began residing in the rental unit between March 1, 2020 – January 20, 2023 due to COVID-19 financial hardship. Effective April 1, 2023, the tenant must receive notice at least thirty (30) calendar days before the landlord may file an unlawful detainer action. [2]

The template for this notice is on the California 3 Day Notice To Perform Covenants or Vacate page, in PDF and Word format.

California 3 Day Notice To Vacate

A California 3 Day Notice To Vacate evicts a tenant for illegal activity on the premises, such as possession of illegal drugs or threatening the health and safety of other persons. The tenant is not allowed an opportunity to take corrective action, and must move out within three (3) judicial days (i.e., not counting weekends or court holidays) of receiving notice.

California 30 Day Notice To Vacate

A California 30 Day Notice To Vacate terminates any tenancy of less than one (1) year, regardless of rent payment frequency, as well as an expired lease, a situation with no lease, and properties under contract for sale which meet the state legal requirements. Tenants may also use this form as notice of non-renewal for a lease. The non-terminating party must receive notice at least thirty (30) days before the date of termination.

California 60 Day Notice To Vacate

A California 60 Day Notice To Vacate terminates an expired lease, or a tenancy of one (1) year or more which has met the standards for legal exemption under California law. The tenant must receive notice at least sixty (60) calendar days before the date of termination.

California Lease Termination for No Fault Just Cause

A California Lease Termination for No Fault Just Cause terminates a tenancy of one (1) year or more when the landlord has a just cause for doing so in accordance with the Tenant Protection Act of 2019. The tenant must receive notice at least sixty (60) calendar days before the date of termination.

This is the only type of eviction notice in California that’s appropriate for a no-fault termination in a tenancy of more than one (1) year. Shorter-term no-fault termination may use the appropriate lease termination notice. For all terminations which depend on tenant misconduct, landlords must use a relevant eviction notice instead.

How To Write an Eviction Notice in California

To help ensure the legal compliance of an eviction notice:

  1. Use the tenant’s full name and address
  2. Specify the lease violation as well as any balance due
  3. Specify the date of termination
  4. Print name and sign the notice, including the landlord’s address of record
  5. Note the date and method of notice delivery, along with printed name and signature

It is easy to lose an otherwise justified legal action because of improper notice. Check carefully to ensure enough time after notice is delivered , not when it’s sent.

How To Calculate Expiration Date in California

The “clock” for an eviction notice period starts “ticking” the day after the notice gets delivered (served). For example, to give at least 30 days of notice and begin court action as of June 30th, delivery of the eviction notice must be no later than May 31st.

In most jurisdictions, if the last day of a notice period is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the notice period continues to run until the end of the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. This is called the “next judicial day;” in other words, the next day a courthouse is open. [3]

How To Serve an Eviction Notice in California

California landlords may deliver an initial written eviction notice through any of the following methods: [4]

  1. Hand delivery to the tenant
  2. If the tenant is absent from the residence and the tenant’s usual place of business : Hand delivery to a person of suitable age at either the residence or usual place of business, PLUS delivery by mail to the tenant’s residence
  3. If all forms of hand delivery fail : Posting the notice to a conspicuous place on the property, PLUS delivery by mail to the property, addressed to the tenant, PLUS (if possible) handing the notice to a person residing on the property

California considers service by mail to take place five (5) calendar days after mailing. [5]


For residential tenants and mobile home space renters who utilized the County’s non-payment of rent protections between July 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023:

What Should Tenants Do If They Are Unable to Pay Rent Through March 31, 2023?

If qualifying tenants are unable to pay rent, they must notify their landlord within seven (7) days of the rent being due, unless extenuating circumstances exist.

Who Qualifies for Nonpayment of Rent Protections?

Residential tenants and mobile home space renters with household incomes at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) are protected for nonpayment of rent due to a COVID-19 financial hardship for rent owed between July 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023.

In addition to the AMI threshold, residential tenants and mobile home space renters must have experienced a substantial loss of monthly household income of at least 10% and/or have increased unreimbursed monthly household costs of more than 7.5% in order to be protected against eviction for non-payment of rent between July 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023. Tenants who fulfill the requirements under the Resolution may have an affirmative defense to an Unlawful Detainer (eviction) action.

For residential tenants and mobile home space renters with unauthorized occupants or pets due to COVID-19 who began residing in the unit between March 1, 2020 and January 20, 2023: