Register your charity

If you have been called forward by the Commission and have received a password allowing you to apply to register, you can begin the online registration application by clicking on the link below:

An organisation must apply for registration as a charity in Northern Ireland, regardless of its income, size or whether or not it has received charitable tax status from HMRC, if:

As the Commission is managing registration in stages, only organisations which have been called forward by the Commission, and have received an application password, will be able to apply to register as a charity at present.

For information on how the Commission processes personal data when an application is made to register an organisation as a charity, please see the Commission's Privacy notice for charity registration, which is available here.

If you are a charity in Northern Ireland and have not yet heard from the Commission, you should prepare for registration now by following the steps outlined here.

Guidance and support

Before beginning your registration application, the Commission would encourage you to ensure that you have prepared all the information and documentation required in advance, using the registration support available.

The Commission has produced a wide range of guidance and support to assist charities in completing the registration process, all of which is available to read or download in the Registration support section of the Commission's website.

Some of the essential support tools available in this section include: